At Baspo Wash, our commitment is to craft the finest wheel washers, finely tuned to meet your precise requirements. We place a strong emphasis on establishing close partnerships with our clients to guarantee that you achieve the performance you demand.
Our source of pride stems from being the most versatile supplier in the market, offering an extensive selection of solutions. Whether you operate in industrial big leagues or quarries, our tailored solutions never fail to grasp your targets. When feeling the heat of complaining neighbours our versatile FST units delivers with their innovations which address the unique challenges faced by construction companies at their worksites.
Don’t settle for less and elevate your operations with the very best in wheel washing technology.
Discover our rental solutions
Lees meer over BaspobathGX series
Lees meer over GX seriesFST-Series
Lees meer over FST-SeriesTailored series
Lees meer over Tailored seriesGX Series
De wielwasinstallaties uit de GX-series zijn compacte gestandaardiseerde toestellen die zowel mobiel als ingegraven in te zetten zijn en dit aan een scherpe prijs.
Lees meer over GX Series